'Bird's Nest' Co-Parenting

So what exactly is 'Bird's Nest' Co-Parenting?
Have you heard of this term? If you haven't, you're not alone. 'Bird's Nest' Co-Parenting refers to a unique child-centered Co-Parenting arrangement. More specifically, in a 'Bird's Nest' Co-Parenting arrangement, the child continues to reside in the same home, and the parents are the ones who take turns staying in the child's home when it's their parenting time with the child. Such an arrangement allows for the parents to have the burden of going back and forth between homes, instead of the children.
Obviously such a child-centric Co-Parenting model is not ideal for every Co-Parenting family, as it requires that several critical factors are securely in place between the co-parents. The first important factor that must be in place in order for peaceful 'Bird's Nesting' is that both parents either reside relatively close to the child's main family home (a.k.a. 'nest') or that they are willing to travel to the family home for their parenting time.
The second critical factor, and perhaps the first factor that came to your mind when reading this, is that both parents must be extremely cooperative and amicable towards each other. Easier said than done, right? Unfortunately, most divorced or separated parents aren't able to maintain a consistently peaceful relationship with their former partners. Although most Co-Parenting arrangements can handle a certain amount of animosity between parents, a 'Bird's Nest' Co-Parenting dynamic absolutely cannot handle any tension between the parents and, in the end would certainly not be beneficial for the child if doing so would expose the child to parental conflict.
The third key factor to consider when deciding whether or not to establish a 'Bird's Nest' Co-Parenting plan for your child, is to consider whether or not each parent's personal life and relationship dynamic is supportive of such an arrangement. For example, if one or both of the co-parents has a significant other or is in a separate blended family, successful 'Bird Nesting' would require that all parties involved be flexible, understanding and supportive of them leaving regularly to visit their child's 'nest'.
If all of the above key factors for success are properly in place, 'Bird's Nest' Co-Parenting can be amazingly beneficial and stabilizing for children with divorced or separated parents. After all, the main reason that this type of Co-Parenting was originally established was with the express purpose of ensuring that the divorce or separation of the parents has less impact on the child. Since adults are more equipped then children to handle the stress of moving back and forth between homes, this child-centric approach is a very lovely way of minimizing the negative effects of divorce on children.
If you or someone you know is in a 'Bird's Nest' Co-Parenting arrangement, we'd love to hear from you!
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